Lactation Suite Amenity for the Modern Office.

How It Works
Safe and Compliant Space
Keeping Moms in the Workforce
Productivity and Cost Savings

A Safe & Compliant Space

Work & Mother provides a commercial lactation suite amenity and an associated technology that not only supports working mothers but makes it easy for employers to be in compliance with FLSA regulations.

Virtual Tour FLSA Compliance

Keeping Moms in the Workforce

Many employers are about to lose an employee & don’t even know it. Even though 75% of women plan to return to work after becoming mothers, 43% of new mothers end up leaving their jobs. Employee Retention


Health, Productivity, & Cost-Savings

Human milk boosts a baby’s immune system and helps protect against common childhood illnesses, infections, allergies, and dermatitis. Reduced sick days for baby means fewer work absences by mothers.

Health & Savings

As Seen —